The game changer.

Super meltable, super stretchable vegan mozzarella cheese.

Enough chitchat! Here is the recipe!


• 1 1/2 tsp psyllium husks powder diluted in 6 tablespoons of water
• 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
• 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast
• 1 tablespoon agar agar powder
• 4 tablespoons tapioca starch
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/5 cup of unscented oil (coconut, vegetable, canola, etc)
• 1 1/2 cups of good quality organic or homemade plant-based milk (best is cashews, coconut, peanuts)
• 1 cube of fermented tofu
• 1/5 teaspoon of white pepper


  • 1.
    In a bowl, mix the psyllium husks powder along with the 6 tablespoons of water, set aside for a few minutes, until it thickens up.
  • 2.
    Add the remainder of the ingredients along with the psyllium husks powder to a blender and blend everything for about 2 minutes.
  • 3.
    Add the mixture to a saucepan in medium-low heat and whisk it until it thickens up, this will happen really fast. It is very important to use a whisk for this recipe and whisk it constantly.
  • 4.
    Remove the cheese from the heat, put in a small bowl or a ramekin or wrap it in a cling film, let it cool down completely then put in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
  • 5.
    Lasts for up to 10 days in the fridge.
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