Hosting a Vegan-Friendly BBQ: Delicious Recipes and Tips

vegan bbq

It’s spring time! And when the weather turns warm, it’s time to fire up the grill and enjoy some outdoor cooking with friends and family. But if you or your guests follow a vegan lifestyle, you might wonder how to host a barbecue that caters to everyone’s dietary preferences. Fear not! With a little creativity […]

Embracing a Plant-Based Diet: Easy, Simple, and Tailored to Your Lifestyle

plant based diet lifestyle

In today’s fast-paced world, more people are turning to plant-based diets for their numerous health benefits, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or just curious about incorporating more plant-based meals into your life, this ultimate guideline will provide you with all the tools and tips you need to thrive on a […]

Eggplant: The Vegan Guide to Improving Your Recipes

how to cook with eggplant

Eggplant, also known as aubergine in British English, is a fascinating fruit that often gets overlooked in the world of plant-based cooking. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, this purple beauty has traveled far and wide, making its mark in cuisines across the globe. But beyond its vibrant hue and glossy exterior lies a treasure trove […]

5 Vegan Recipes Easy and Fast for Newbies

5 vegan recipes easy and fast

So, you’ve decided to dip your toes into the wonderful world of plant-based eating, but maybe you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of whipping up delicious vegan meals in the kitchen. Fear not! We’ve got your back. In this guide, we’re serving up 5 easy and lightning-fast vegan recipes tailored just for you. […]

Feline Follies: Life’s Hilarious Adventure with Cats

life with cats chef jana pinheiro

When it comes to domesticating animals, there’s one species that has managed to combine regal elegance and absurd hilarity all in one furry package – the feline overlords, a.k.a cats. Living with these four-legged comedians is like signing up for a never-ending stand-up comedy show. From their peculiar behaviors to their knack for turning everyday […]

Milky Plant’s Vegan Milk Machine: Elevate Your Plant-Based Journey 

chef jana pinheiro milky plants vegan milk machine worth it?

Crafting creamy, eco-friendly milk at home has never been this  easy and delightful. Say hello to MilkyPlant – Your Vegan Kitchen  Companion! OK here’s what: I absolutely love milk ever since I was a child, I remember I  loved my milky chocolate in the mornings and throughout the years I have never abandoned this habit, […]


According to Wikipedia, bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe and Australia revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants. It is possible that during this time, starch extract from the roots of plants, such as cattails and ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. The world’s oldest evidence of bread-making has been found in a 14,500-year-old Natufian site in Jordan’s northeastern desert.

The best homemade cheeses – VEGAN

According to Julia Child ‘’One can never have enough butter’’. Well, I beg to differ, in my opinion, one can never have enough cheese. Vegan cheese, that is. Soft, hard, pungent, mild, fermented or not, you name it, cheese is that piece of comfort food that gives you an immediate sense of coziness.

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