Soy and gluten free option.

What if I told you that it is possible to have a snack that's just like chicken nuggets but it doesn't involve any meat whatsoever? And that you can make it at home using only easy, affordable ingredients you already have in your pantry and fridge? Corn, flour, tapioca starch... and voila, your no-chicken nuggets are ready!

Enough chitchat! Here is the recipe!


• 1 cup of canned or frozen corn
• 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour - for gluten-free version use 1/3 cup rice flour plus 2 tablespoons of cornstarch or tapioca starch
• 1/2 cup of water
• Water or oil for frying
• 3 to 4 cups of finely shredded cabbage
• 1 onion, minced
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
• 3 cups of crushed cornflakes
• 1/2 cup of flour
• 1/2 cup of water
• Salt to taste
• Pepper to taste
• A pinch of paprika
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder


  • 1.
    Blend the water, the corn, and the flour, reserve
  • 2.
    Add the water or oil to a frying pan, then add the onions, sauté for 3 minutes, add the cabbage and the salt, sauté for 5-7 minutes in low heat, until the cabbages are soft. Add the pepper and garlic powder, stir for 1 minute more. Add the corn and flour batter, change the heat to medium, stir for 10 minutes, folding it.
  • 3.
    Turn off the heat, transfer the nuggets batter onto a plate, cover it with plastic film, and wait until it cools down completely.
  • 4.
    On a bowl, mix the water, the flour, the garlic and onion powder, the salt, and pepper, and the paprika, whisk to combine.
  • 5.
    Add the crushed cornflakes onto a separate bowl. Take a small piece of the nuggets dough, roll in between your hands, then shape it into a nugget shape. Place it into the batter, then the cornflakes, then put them into the air fryer basket. Do not overcrowd them.
  • 6.
    Fry them for 15 minutes at 180C. If you prefer you can bake them in the oven for 20 minutes at the same temperature or shallow fry them in oil, on medium heat for 3 minutes each side.
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